Herbal medicine to boost protection from coronavirus

A big health worry out there in the community and especially among our immuno-compromised clients is the newly emerged corona virus, named Covid-19.
We would like to address this concern.
The stronger and more supported your immune system is, the better able you are to remain healthy and protected.
However, there are many things in modern life today that can harm immunity and make people more vulnerable to getting sick, whether they are aware of it or not. This covers such things as:
- Improper hygiene (like not washing hands enough)
- Unhealthy diet, such as excess sugar and processed foods and not enough fresh, antioxidant rich foods
- Excess alcohol
- Excess stress
- Insufficient sleep
- Environmental toxins (in the air, water, on food, etc.)
- Poor gut health
- Sitting too much / not exercising enough
- Some prescription medications which may deplete the body of essential minerals and vitamins.
One of the keys to a healthy immune system is limiting exposure to foreign invaders (within reason) … making healthy lifestyle choices… and supplementing with effective nutrients … and herbal medicine.
For the month of March and April I am offering you specially discounted rates for an antiviral, immune-boosting herbal formula. This is only available on prescription from me, after a brief, discounted 30 minute consultation. For existing clients this may be by Skype or phone, for new clients who have not seen me yet this will need to be face-to-face (this may be reviewed in case of lockdowns). This is for safety reasons and to comply with the Medicines Act (1981).
After this consult, I will dispense you your own bottle of immune-enhancing herbs which will be compliant with any health conditions you have or with any prescription pharmaceuticals you may be taking.
The fee for the half hour consult will be $45, the cost for a 100ml bottle of herbs is $30 (normally $35) and $60 for 200ml (normally $65).