Have you ever wondered whether “off-the-peg” health plans or diets were really right for you? Personalised genetic profiling takes out the guesswork.
By getting your own DNA tested, I will be able to design a personalised health and wellbeing programme to suit you.
This means that achieving your health goals is based on how nutrition, exercise and lifestyle choices interact with your genes to influence how effectively your body is functioning.
You can’t change your genes, but you can affect how they are expressed with the right nutritional, exercise and lifestyle choices
With a Fitgenes genetic profiling DNA test, you can discover, for instance, why you can’t sleep after drinking coffee during the daytime.
The range of health concerns which can be helped include:
• Diabetes and insulin resistance
• Cardiovascular health and cholesterol regulation
• Fat metabolism and weight management
• Hypertension
• Bone health
• Hormone regulation and menopause
• Irregular sleep
• Joint pain
• Healthy ageing
• Food sensitivities
• Vitamin D absorption; and more.
If you are serious about avoiding the conditions your own parents had, you need to invest in this test.
What YOU can expect?
At your first appointment, I will take a health history from you, to gain a good understanding of your challenges and your lifestyle.
A test kit will be given to you. The best approach is that you take the kit home and follow the easy directions given for taking the sample. The kit includes a swab which you use to gather cells from the inside of your cheek. You drop the sample into the test-tube provided and send it in the courier bag supplied to the company who forwards it to the test laboratory.
Payment for the test is taken at your first appointment.
It may take 3 weeks from the time you send your sample to the time when the results become available. As soon as the results are emailed through to me, I will contact you to make a time to come in and go over the results. In the interval between receiving the emails of the results and your appointment, I will study the results and write a user-friendly report and action plan.
At your appointment you will receive a folder containing:
• The Fitgenes test results, presented to you as a bound copy;
• The Fitgenes recommendations, presented to you as a bound copy;
• A summary by me of the interpretation and applications of the results, and a report including an action plan.
I will sit go over the report with you and give you recommend-ations how to implement the information so that you get the best value from the knowledge you have just received.
This is very exciting and empowering! It is likely you will have a couple of “lightbulb” moments when something you have experienced or noticed now makes sense.

Your personal road map to health is in your genes…